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About Us

Angelo Black is a premium fashion and lifestyle brand founded in 2022 by a rebellious high school dropout who felt the need to breathe new life into streetwear.


Born into a poor family in Olongapo City, Philippines,
AP spent most of his childhood affected by poverty.
Unable to earn enough money at home, AP’s mother worked overseas devoting her life to support her family and hoping to give her child a better future.
But her income came at a high personal cost, missing out on her sons childhood.

His mother’s sacrifices did provide him with opportunities. At the age of 9, the boy and his mother immigrated to the Netherlands in search of a better future.

Exposed to a variety of cultures, AP experienced a major culture shock at a very young age. This led to struggle with feelings of isolation from both his ethnic heritage and Dutch culture.

“Distraught with clashing identities, I felt like a black sheep, like I don’t belong. An outcast, in society and in the midst of my own people.”

Angelo Black is more than just a clothing brand. It is a movement, a community for the outcasts and rebels who live by their values regardless of expectations. It is a unique herd for black sheep, a powerful voice of the misfits.


Young people today are facing unique challenges which threatens the futures and aspirations of an entire generation if we don’t act on it. Their education, employment and key formative years have already suffered, leaving many feeling uncertain and scared about a future which appears to be spiraling out of their control.

Our garments aim to contribute to the development of a strong and vibrant generation by empowering young minds and giving them the push they need in order to take control of their future.

“This attitude came from pain, I wasn’t always like this.”

At Angelo Black we believe that when you overcome resistance, you absorb it’s power. The greater the resistance, the greater the power.

We aim to find purpose in our pain, to find comfort in the chaos.
To turn our struggle into strength, our trauma into power.
To rest easier with our fears, to laugh even when our tears are flowing.

Angelo Black. It’s a mindset, an attitude. A way of life.